Because the use of our wrists and hands is so important, wrist pain and wrist injury can be a debilitating condition. For others it is simply an irritating interference with the simple tasks of everyday life. Either way, wrist pain is a common complaint with a variety of potential symptoms and causes, ranging from arthritis to carpal tunnel syndrome.

To learn more about wrist pain or to schedule an appointment to get your wrist pain examined by Dr. أهلواليا, اتصل بنا اليوم.

Wrist Pain Causes and Symptoms

The type of wrist pain most people experience is largely dependent on the cause. بالنسبة لبعض الناس, wrist pain may be dull and aching, while for others it’s sharp and stabbing. Some of the most common causes of wrist pain include:

  • التهاب المفاصل
  • جرح
  • Certain disease and conditions

Arthritis of the wrist is most common in two forms: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a condition that is seen frequently in older patients. It happens as a result of the normal wear and tear of age. Over time the cartilage that cushions the joints begins to wear away, causing bone to rub on bone.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of autoimmune disorder. This means that the body’s immune system attacks its own healthy tissue. The result of rheumatoid arthritis is inflammation and joint pain.

Injury is another typical cause of wrist pain. Wrist injuries generally occur in two types: impact injuries and repetitive stress injuries. Impact injuries are most commonly seen when someone uses his or her wrist to brace a fall. الكسور, sprains, and strains are all common types of impact injuries that occur in the wrist.

Repetitive stress injuries happen when the wrist is used for a repetitive motion. This can be the result of a job or sport. When the joint is overused in this kind of repetitive movement, the tissue gets swollen. Repetitive stress can also cause a stress fracture, a tiny crack that occurs in the bone.

أخيرا, wrist pain can be caused by a number of other diseases and disorders that affect the joints and bones. وتشمل هذه:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndromepressure on the median nerve in the wrist causes tingling, numbness, and weakness
  • Tendon Sheath Inflammationthe tendon sheath becomes irritated due to various conditions that leads to pain and sometimes swelling.
  • Ganglion Cystsfluid filled bumps appear on the wrists
  • Kienbock’s Diseaseblood supply is compromised to the bone, causing the bone to break down

Patients who are most at risk for developing wrist pain are those who play certain sports, do repetitive work with their hands, or have certain diseases that predispose them to joint problems.

Wrist Pain Treatment

The first step to getting the proper treatment for your wrist pain is getting an accurate diagnosis of the cause. للقيام بذلك, your doctor will take your history, assess your symptoms, and give you a physical examination. Imaging or nerve tests may also be done to help better understand the cause of your wrist pain.

Common imaging tests include X-rays, CT scan, MRI, and bone scan. Nerve tests are done if your doctors suspects you may have carpal tunnel syndrome. Your doctor may also choose to look inside your wrist using an arthroscope, a minimally-invasive instrument with a tiny camera.

Conservative treatment for wrist pain typically involves a regimen of physical therapy and medication. Some people, لكن, may require surgery to eliminate their wrist pain. Wrist surgery is commonly performed to repair broken bones as well as damaged tendons or ligaments. في بعض الحالات, surgery is also used to treat severe carpal tunnel syndrome.

When the wrist is broken, treatment will depend on a number of factors, including the severity of the fracture and the age of the patient. For older patients and in minimally displaced fractures, casting may be an effective method. For patients with more complicated fractures, surgery may be necessary. During broken wrist surgery, مسامير, دبابيس, or plates may be used to help hold the bone in place.

The recovery period after broken wrist surgery depends on each individual patient. لكن, it is common for the wrist to be immobilized for up to six weeks after the procedure. Many patients will need to undergo physical therapy after the bone has healed to regain strength and flexibility in the joint.

Contact a Top Wrist Surgeon in Beverly Hills

Are you suffering from wrist pain? د.. سونو أهلواليا is a leading expert in wrist surgery in Los Angeles. To find out how Dr. Ahluwalia can help you or to schedule a consultation, just give us a call.